October 2010

(1999) ***** From the moment the “Haxan Films” logo comes onto the screen, I’m hooked—I’m plunged back into an utterly unique cinematic mood; a blend of mundanity and dread, of ugly visual noise and fleeting, nearly transcendental beauty that can only mean one movie: The Blair Witch Project (1999). The “haxan” logo gets me because […]


Shutter Island

Thursday, October 14th, 2010 Horrorthon Posts / Horrorthon Reviews

(2010) ** I don’t know what can be done about movies like Shutter Island, because there’s no getting rid of them—they occupy one corner of the horror movie game board as permanently as low-budget splatterfests occupy another. As long as people get involved in the intellectual implications of scare stories (like, on blogs for communal […]
