July 2008

That’s right, it’s the Mattel (R) Hot Wheels 1999 edition (and 2002 Re-Issue) of the 1936 Cord 810 5-Passenger Sedan. (Exactly the car I showed in my exhibit.) The same toy and casting marketed twice in two different Mattel (R) Hot Wheels series. The earlier edition ties in with the ACD museum; the other one […]


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Tuesday, July 15th, 2008 centex


Red Car

Wednesday, July 9th, 2008 Horrorthon Posts

http://www.jordanorlando.com/ns/redcar Same movie. Red car. My grandmother’s Cord 812, exhibited in the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Automobile Museum, is a rich, cold red that’s extremely hard for me to reproduce (since its deep pigmentation and high reflectivity respond unpredictably to different lighting, making it difficult to extract the actual paint color from photographs). But I began […]
